AWESOME! I only wish my parents had let me run with a fork. Best. Scar. Ever!
My car is back with me now. I overdraw like a Goth girl in third period art class.
Super-mega-fun last night. The music wasn't even that good.
Sia is so terribly articulate and soulful. The heir to Tori Amos? Red hair is hotter though.
I need to get a small, bistro-style table for my kitchen, as my actual kitchen table long ago migrated to the basement, where it's currently living happily in the guise of a laundry table. Bastard tables.
Not nearly enough people who should know better own this album. Go out and buy it. It's called "The Future Embrace," and it's better than whatever it is you're currently enjoying.
Are you, like me, waiting for this "Palin mystique" to wear off? For the whole of progressive, modern America to collectively gasp, and say: "No fucking way!"
Really though, she's not even a quarter of the man Hillary Clinton is.(I know that shit was "hacky." Fuck you.)
One armpit always smells worse than the other armpit. I suppose this is one of life's great mysteries, right up there with why dogs eat their poop, and how Dane Cook has a successful career.
Oh yeah, show last night was OK. Made people laugh. Old people dislike penis/hopscotch jokes. If you ever find yourself in their company(you'll know by the smell) consider yourself warned!
Ike was/is no Katrina, and never quite had a "Gustav level of potential," but I think I'm going to be decently entertained for a week or two. The real tragedy is that totally rad train crash that happened in LA getting relegated to the back pages of public conscious. That shit is rad. Except for the dead people and all. That's kind of sad. You live in a land of fires, earthquakes, mudslides, drug abuse, and sunshine, and you get killed in a train wreck. Oddly anticlimactic.
David Spade wishes it could be the mid-nineties forever.
Black bean burgers are so good. I'm eating three right now.
Ursula is a cool name.
Shit Sam, we're gonna have to dance out of spite!-BK
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