Friday, September 19, 2008

Ultra dive?

Heart pounding, palms sweating, not sure of the right words to say, butterflies in your stomach, and it's warm. Man I love going to the bike shop!

I didn't buy anything. Just lusted and leered like R. Kelly at a school playground.

I didn't pee though. That's just sick!

I stepped my drinking game up a smidgen last night. Miller High Life. I felt like I should've been mowing the lawn instead of dancing. Perhaps just being really sweaty is license enough to live the High Life???

Have to work on Sunday. I hate working on Sunday, but I like having money. Decisions-decisions!

I was really looking forward to Pirate Night/Man Clan, but I gotta spend some time with someone of a higher priority:).

My mother is visiting in a few weeks. My freezer is looking forward to it's semi-annual full restocking!

I still have no idea how this was ever allowed to air on basic Cable, but my life is somehow richer for having seen it!

So funny! This dude understands the concept of movement. He is so light on his feet. Unbelievable.

It's nice that our government feels obligated to bail out large corporations, but where were they in June, when I was eating nothing but quesadillas due to my own shitty financial decisions? That's some bullshit. They can't help people get healthcare or jobs, but when a large group of old White Men need money, they come right to the rescue.

I love this song so much. Fuck you if you say you don't! Secretly, deep down, everyone loves this song!

Six pound NFG at the freight house for PHL 255.-BK

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