Sunday, September 21, 2008

Warm and fuzz.

Since I'm at work and there isn't a whole hell of a lot going on, I figured I'd just write on the old computer for a bit.

I won't be at the Smiling Moose or Slapsticks! this week. Due to finances being ultra tight, I just can't afford the extra gas/beer money right now.

If you're going to take on the responsibility of spawning a child, please make sure that you are able to schedule extra time into the day, as people are tolerant of your perpetual life mistakes because they're at work, not because they're nice. Get up earlier, and hit your kid to keep them in line. Yes, of course hitting is "wrong," but fear is an excellent motivational tool! Fucking irresponsible parents. I always laugh a little to myself when I see some young, probably college-educated mother or father, kneeling down, looking directly into their child/Hellspawn's eyes, and attempting to explain to them why they need to behave better. It's a fucking child, not an intellectual equal. Beat it like a puppy until it stops pissing and shitting on life's proverbial rugs... as long as you're not hitting with a closed fist, that is.

I've been tapering back on the drinking a little as of late. I really need to develop and implement some sort of a system or something. I don't think I can ever, nor do I want, to stop drinking on the long term, but I all too often cannot control the amount of alcohol I consume once I start drinking, especially if I'm alone, which is why I rarely, if ever, keep booze at the house. This isn't as visible as it would seem to be, mostly because I "sweat it out" a lot when I'm dancing, but if I was to drink as much as I do when I dance, when I don't dance, I probably wouldn't be aware of anything around me, if I wasn't unconscious all together. Seriously. I'd make Mel Gibson look like (even more of) a pussy!

I was thinking of this on the drive to work, while I was watching a construction worker weld with no eye protection, and no gloves. Gore is funny.

Maybe I'll do two blogs today. Still early, after all.

If you're reading this on blogspot, the new picture is by Terry Richardson. I like it. It speaks to me, as the artists tend to say,

I don't want to, but I will do me best.-BK

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