Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I can get there.

The show last night was mediocre, but my set was spectacular! I really, really needed and wanted a set like this to come along. It's good to be reminded that you are indeed funny, creative, and able to make people laugh. Although I went to bed around midnight, the wave of energy I was riding prevented me from actually sleeping until after three. I'm really happy that I did well, as it's often quite hard to stay motivated when you have my style, are performing for sparse(at best) crowds, and are working for free. Actually, I'm working at a minor, but still tangible, loss, as there is very little money in the PGH comedy scene. I do it for the love of the game, and for the rush.

I'm excited about Lance Armstrong returning to cycling, but I fail to understand why anyone would throw away a retirement that consists entirely of fucking starlets, running shirtless on the beach, and being paid vast sums of money to wear yellow clothes? I'll be rooting for him though. I think he's made the right choice in making his drug tests public as well.

Ike simply doesn't have the entertainment value that Gustav had. We need to build more massive cities at or below sea level on the Gulf Coast. Equip them with cameras, so that when the inevitable happens, I can sit in the comfort of my home, drink beer, listen to metal, kick back, and enjoy the show.

I like that humans are still trying to learn! As for creating a Black Hole, didn't we do that when with the Wayans Brothers, excluding Damon and Keenan Ivory of course?

I wish more people were super rich and could say how they really feel. In our society, the true shame is that a (lack of) belief system such as atheism is often persecuted and disrepected, but it's A-OK to worship wealth, a hateful God, and superficial beauty from sunrise to sunset.

Heard this song on the best jukebox in the world last night and realized I had forgotten how much this band rocks! Subtle humor this is not. Balls out, so to speak.

Running sucks. Running sucks so bad. I hate running. Especially from the police.

I am going to do laundry, eat a gluttonous amount of food, and sleep tonight. Nothing can stop me.

Yet again, people from Britain are not afraid to be super creative and have fun. People from Britain spit in the face of the possibility of failure.

I got three new pairs of work pants, for free, because some people can't hack it. Good for me on all ends.

Let's not go Outback tonight.-BK

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