Monday, September 8, 2008

My whole life is geared towards success.

Looks like I have to turn on my TV again. The new season of Terminator starts tonight! I hear Shirley Manson is involved. Woof. Ruff. Woof!

I'm still second job hunting. I'm still holding out hope for a "strip club secret shopper" position.

Busy week o' shows coming on up here. The Moose tomorrow, Obey House on Thursday, Slapsticks! on Saturday, and The Shadow Lounge on Monday. I do it up, yo.

Death Race needed a better script, but it was decently entertaining if you're into explosions, horsepower, gore, and machismo. Joan Allen was underused.

This was recently hurtled back into my world like an unexpected Godzilla attack. So bad, yet oddly hypnotic. I'm laughing out loud right now.

Is Kevin Smith back on form? Is Seth Rogen overexposed? Most importantly, will Elizabeth Banks show her tits? I've been waiting for two or three years, and Lord knows I've been good! Not really, but I haven't killed anyone or anything... Ok, ok, anyone important. Need to see her tits so bad!

It does look like Smith's writing is back up to snuff. Pink sweater puppies. Mmmmm...

Fuck it, if Seth Rogen can do, motherfucking Ben Kenny can do it!! I'm moving to New York in a few years and I AM GOING TO FUCKING DOMINATE EVERYTHING!

So anyways, I've been thinking of doing some sort of volunteer work. What, where, and how much is not yet penciled in, but I need to get out of my place a little more often without involving alcohol, debauchery, and fun. I need to feel guilty for a minute and then laugh about whoever I helped later on.

I've had a pint of ice cream in my freezer for over a week now. This is a new personal best for me, especially when you consider the fact that said ice cream contains peanut butter!

Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. I know own a copy of Rad on DVD. I pretty much got a full on boner when the dude said he had it for sale. Not really, but I did squeal a little.

YouTube is giving me back my youth!

New work schedule means sleep at or before 1 am, but no worries. I scheduled my party night to run into a day off. Recovery is an important part of life, kids.

He needs coffee. Now.-BK

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